As a founder of an organization called Voices of Reality, she’s compassionate about exposing troubled inner-city children too many opportunities’ in which they otherwise would not experience. At Voices of Reality, we give our youth many opportunities in the broadcasting field.
Since the internet is now the guru of social media, Voices feel the best way to communicate with our youth is to use tools that they are familiar with and have adapted to in their lives. The fundamentals of interactive media, principals of social media and theories of online media makes the internet the best communication tool. As youth influenced by the messages and images distributed through the mass media system Voices allows our youth to develop a more balanced overview of underrepresented topics that affect them by spreading the media as a catalyst for dialogue and social change. The youth develop the skills not only to express their point of view but preparing them to learn a craft, tell a story, build organizing skills and communicate better with each other, their parents, teachers, and society as a whole.