Sierra Middle School eighth-grader Cassi Perkins shows a teddy bear to a volunteer at the annual Hugs For Children toy donation event, hosted by “Voices of Reality.

Sierra Middle School eighth-grader Cassi Perkins shows a teddy bear to a volunteer at the annual Hugs For Children toy donation event, hosted by “Voices of Reality.” Perkins has her own show, called “Behind the Mask with Cassi Perkins,” on “Voices of Reality,” which hosts webcasts by mostly young hosts.

Perkins has recently devoted some shows to bullying, something she’s dealing with. Cassi Perkins has a resume most adult entertainers would dream of but, at 13, she still has to deal with regular teenage drama, including bullying. But unlike her peers, Perkins has her own webcast show, "Behind the Mask with Cassi Perkins" on "Voices of Reality", where she can deal with her bullying problems out in the open. "Looking at it from a kids' view, it's amazing," Perkins said. "And that's another thing I love about 'Voices of Reality' ... kids get to share their feelings and how they feel about topics that adults cover."

She has hosted her school counselor at Sierra Middle School, where she's in eighth grade, as well as other teens dealing with bullying and suicide. She has also hosted Kat Von D from the reality TV show "LA Ink." Perkins has been doing theater work since she was about 5and has been doing stunt work. She also starred in the Emmy-nominated film "Parker: A Town Through History."

"I think Cassi is a wonderful young lady who has a passion for helping people," said Pat Shaver, founder of "Voices of Reality."

"She's just blossoming." Perkins said being famous used to be important to her, but now she doesn't even tell people at her school what she does. "If one person comes up to me and says, 'Wow you made a difference in my life, you changed my life,' and they know me by that, I don't care who else knows." Cassi Perkins' show airs every Saturday at 1 p.m. at

By: Clayton Woullard,